Monday, March 8, 2010

Paper and Poster Presentation Schedule for 94th Annual Meeting of the NYSAA, April 23rd-25th, 2010

April 23rd-25th, 2010

Saturday, April 24th
8:45-8:55 AM—Welcome to the conference (brief welcoming remarks by William Engelbrecht, Pres.-NYSAA, David Johnson, Pres.-OC Chapter (Host Chapter), Barry Kass, Program Chair.
Saturday morning papers—Post-Contact Archaeology
8:55-9AM—Introduction to Symposium 1:  “The South Ferry Terminal in Lower Manhattan: Battery Park’s Original Battery and the Discovery of Whitehall Slip” organized by Diane Dallal (Director of Archaeology, AKRF, Inc., Environmental, Planning, and Engineering Consultants). [Note: the symposium includes the following seven papers]
9:AM-9:20—Diane Dallal (AKRF, Inc.):  “A Necessary Work—Military Fortifications in Lower Manhattan during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”.
9:20-9:40—Molly McDonald (AKRF, Inc.): “Understanding the Construction of Early Landfill Retaining Structures”.
9:40-10AM—Linda Stone (RPA): “South Ferry Fieldwork: A Jigsaw Puzzle with 100-Foot Pieces of Log and Stone”.
10AM-10:20—Allan S. Gilbert (Fordham University): “The Bricks from South Ferry Terminal, NYC”.
Break 10:20-10:40
10:40-11AM--Linda Scott Cummings, Kathryn Puseman, Chad Yost (Paleo Research Institute) “Trees, Weeds, and Food Processing: “The Archaeobotanic Record of South Ferry Terminal”.
11AM-11:20—Marie-Lorraine Pipes (RPA): “Analysis of Faunal Assemblages from Landfill Sites: Difficulties with Context Dependency and Variable Scales of Interpretation”.
11:20-11:40—Meta Janowitz (URS Corporation): “Using Artifacts from Landfill Deposits: Pearlware, Building Materials, and Personal Items from the South Ferry Terminal Excavations”.
11:40-Noon—Sherene Baugher (Landscape Architecture Department, Cornell University): “In Search of the 18th Century Tutelo Village of Coreorgonal”.
Saturday afternoon papers—Pre-Contact Archeology
1:35-1:40PM—Introduction to Symposium 2: “Current Research in New York State Archaeology: A. D. 700-1300” organized by Christine B. Rieth, Ph. D, (State Archaeologist and Director, Cultural Resource Survey Program, NYS Museum in Albany), and Dr. John Hart (NYS Museum in Albany). [Note: the symposium includes the following nine papers]
1:40-2PM—Jack Rossen (Dept. of Anthropology, Ithaca College): “Changing Perceptions of the Levanna Site, Cayuga County, NY (1922-2010)”.
2-2:20—Donald Smith (Panamerican Consultants, Buffalo, NY): “Social Setting as a Possible Source of Ceramic Vessel Variation in Early Late Woodland NYS”.
2:20-2:40—Laurie E. Miroff and Tim Knapp (Public Archaeology Facility, Binghamton University):  “Late Prehistoric Archaeology at the Iroquoian Southern Door: New York’s Chemung Valley”.
2:40-3PM—Tim Knapp (Public Archaeology Facility, Binghamton University):  “Watersheds and the Late Prehistoric Upper Delaware Valley: Evidence from the Deposit Airport I Site”.
{2-3PM—Poster Session: Book Room}
Break 3PM-3:20
3:20-3:40—Christina B. Rieth (NYS Museum in Albany, Division of Research and Collections) and L. Lewis Johnson (Dept. of Anthropology, Vassar College):  “Trace Element Analysis of Lithic Artifacts from the Trapp’s Gap Site”.
3:40-4PM—Edward V. Curtin (Curtin Archaeological Consulting, Inc. and Van-Epps Hartley Chapter, NYSAA) “A Small Back-Country Site in Coxsackie, Circa AD 1200”.
4PM-4:20—Joseph E. Diamond (Dept. of Anthropology, SUNY New Paltz) and Susan Stewart: “A Middle Woodland Pottery Stamp and Associated Middle Woodland Ceramics from the Indian Hill Site, Wawarsing, NY”.
4:20-4:40—Hetty Jo Brumbach (Dept of Anthropology, SUNY University at Albany) “The History of the Collared Rim”.
4:40-5PM—John P. Hart (Research & Collections Division, NYS Museum in Albany): “The Death of Owasco-Redux”   (Discussant: James Bradley (ArchLink, Inc.).
Sunday, April 25th
8:15-8:20AM (Introductory remarks:  Barry Kass, Program Chair)
Sunday early morning papers-Post-Contact Archaeology
8:20-8:40—Ann Morton, Ph.D. (Cultural Resources Manager, Fisher Associates, P.E., L.S., P.C. and the Lewis Henry Morgan Chapter): “Revisiting the Seneca Sequence: Excavations at the Dann Site 2009”.
8:40-9AM—Tracy Shaffer Miller (Project Director, Hartgen Archaeological Associates, Inc.): “The Archaeology of Trash: Waste Management and Landscape Use in a Historic Urban Context”.
9AM-9:20—Kurt A. Jordan (Cornell University and the Finger Lakes Chapter): “Incorporation and Colonization: Reconsidering Postcolumbian Iroquois Satellite Communities”.
9:20-9:40—Derrick (Dirk) J. Marcucci (Landmark Archaeology, Inc.): “Overview of Archaeological and Historical Investigations at the Newburgh Colored Burial Ground”.
9:40-10AM—Kenneth Nystrom (SUNY New Paltz): “Preliminary Osteological Analysis of the Human Remains Recovered from the Newburgh, NY Colored Burial Ground (ca. 1830-1869)”.
Break 10-10:20AM
Sunday late morning papers-Pre-Contact Archaeology
10:20-10:40—Roger Moeller (Archaeological Services): “Rethinking the Terminal Archaic: Hearths, Fish, and Pottery”.
10:40-11AM—John P. Pretola, Ph.D. (Senior Principal Investigator, The Plant, Providence, Rhode Island), Jacob A. Freedman, Donald A. Miller: “Four Orange County Phase III Sites: New Prehistoric and Contact Period Insights from the Wallkill Valley, New York”.
11AM-11:20—Jonathan C. Lothrop (NYS Museum and the Van Epps-Hartley Chapter): The New York Paleoindian Database Project: A Call for Data”.
11:20-11:40—Sandra Katz, William Engelbrecht, and Kathleen M. S. Allen: “Hearthside Activities as a Reflection of Economic Organization at the Eaton Site”.
11:40-Noon—Denis Foley, Ph.D., RPA  (Curator, Lewis Henry Morgan Institute, SUNY-IT, Utica, NY): “In Search of Paradise: The Voyages of the Irish Monks to the New World, A Reinterpretation”.

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