Friday, March 19, 2010

2010-03-19 Meeting & Gun Program.

Most of the meeting was devoted to preparations for the State Conference next month.  Send in your registrations to Ray Decker. Dave Johnson is coordinating volunteers - let him know you'll do. Press release, flyer and schedule available at our "downloads" page:

In new business, Susan Roth invited everyone interested in learning about conducting a Cultural Resource Survey and the Nation Register process to attend her workshop "Historic CSIin Chester with the Chester Historical Society starting in May. More info at:

Over forty people attended tonight's program about firearms and related items that are found in our region.

 Andrew Lustyik began the discussion, here with a four hundred year old hand cannon, which was discharged by bringing a flame to the touchhole. He also explained other early types: match locks and  wheel locks.

Dave brought us through flint based firearms and their related projectiles, attachments, in addition to camp knives and sabers. Dave compares French and Dutch-German muskets with bayonets ready for hand to hand combat.

John Hunter demonstrated the operation of these weapons using modern reproductions. Below, with his Kentucky rifle as he explained how rifling affects projectile trajectory.

Terri talked with the Hunters during the hands on Q&A.

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