Friday, March 19, 2010

2010-03-19 Meeting & Gun Program.

Most of the meeting was devoted to preparations for the State Conference next month.  Send in your registrations to Ray Decker. Dave Johnson is coordinating volunteers - let him know you'll do. Press release, flyer and schedule available at our "downloads" page:

In new business, Susan Roth invited everyone interested in learning about conducting a Cultural Resource Survey and the Nation Register process to attend her workshop "Historic CSIin Chester with the Chester Historical Society starting in May. More info at:

Over forty people attended tonight's program about firearms and related items that are found in our region.

 Andrew Lustyik began the discussion, here with a four hundred year old hand cannon, which was discharged by bringing a flame to the touchhole. He also explained other early types: match locks and  wheel locks.

Dave brought us through flint based firearms and their related projectiles, attachments, in addition to camp knives and sabers. Dave compares French and Dutch-German muskets with bayonets ready for hand to hand combat.

John Hunter demonstrated the operation of these weapons using modern reproductions. Below, with his Kentucky rifle as he explained how rifling affects projectile trajectory.

Terri talked with the Hunters during the hands on Q&A.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Paper and Poster Presentation Schedule for 94th Annual Meeting of the NYSAA, April 23rd-25th, 2010

April 23rd-25th, 2010

Saturday, April 24th
8:45-8:55 AM—Welcome to the conference (brief welcoming remarks by William Engelbrecht, Pres.-NYSAA, David Johnson, Pres.-OC Chapter (Host Chapter), Barry Kass, Program Chair.
Saturday morning papers—Post-Contact Archaeology
8:55-9AM—Introduction to Symposium 1:  “The South Ferry Terminal in Lower Manhattan: Battery Park’s Original Battery and the Discovery of Whitehall Slip” organized by Diane Dallal (Director of Archaeology, AKRF, Inc., Environmental, Planning, and Engineering Consultants). [Note: the symposium includes the following seven papers]
9:AM-9:20—Diane Dallal (AKRF, Inc.):  “A Necessary Work—Military Fortifications in Lower Manhattan during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”.
9:20-9:40—Molly McDonald (AKRF, Inc.): “Understanding the Construction of Early Landfill Retaining Structures”.
9:40-10AM—Linda Stone (RPA): “South Ferry Fieldwork: A Jigsaw Puzzle with 100-Foot Pieces of Log and Stone”.
10AM-10:20—Allan S. Gilbert (Fordham University): “The Bricks from South Ferry Terminal, NYC”.
Break 10:20-10:40
10:40-11AM--Linda Scott Cummings, Kathryn Puseman, Chad Yost (Paleo Research Institute) “Trees, Weeds, and Food Processing: “The Archaeobotanic Record of South Ferry Terminal”.
11AM-11:20—Marie-Lorraine Pipes (RPA): “Analysis of Faunal Assemblages from Landfill Sites: Difficulties with Context Dependency and Variable Scales of Interpretation”.
11:20-11:40—Meta Janowitz (URS Corporation): “Using Artifacts from Landfill Deposits: Pearlware, Building Materials, and Personal Items from the South Ferry Terminal Excavations”.
11:40-Noon—Sherene Baugher (Landscape Architecture Department, Cornell University): “In Search of the 18th Century Tutelo Village of Coreorgonal”.
Saturday afternoon papers—Pre-Contact Archeology
1:35-1:40PM—Introduction to Symposium 2: “Current Research in New York State Archaeology: A. D. 700-1300” organized by Christine B. Rieth, Ph. D, (State Archaeologist and Director, Cultural Resource Survey Program, NYS Museum in Albany), and Dr. John Hart (NYS Museum in Albany). [Note: the symposium includes the following nine papers]
1:40-2PM—Jack Rossen (Dept. of Anthropology, Ithaca College): “Changing Perceptions of the Levanna Site, Cayuga County, NY (1922-2010)”.
2-2:20—Donald Smith (Panamerican Consultants, Buffalo, NY): “Social Setting as a Possible Source of Ceramic Vessel Variation in Early Late Woodland NYS”.
2:20-2:40—Laurie E. Miroff and Tim Knapp (Public Archaeology Facility, Binghamton University):  “Late Prehistoric Archaeology at the Iroquoian Southern Door: New York’s Chemung Valley”.
2:40-3PM—Tim Knapp (Public Archaeology Facility, Binghamton University):  “Watersheds and the Late Prehistoric Upper Delaware Valley: Evidence from the Deposit Airport I Site”.
{2-3PM—Poster Session: Book Room}
Break 3PM-3:20
3:20-3:40—Christina B. Rieth (NYS Museum in Albany, Division of Research and Collections) and L. Lewis Johnson (Dept. of Anthropology, Vassar College):  “Trace Element Analysis of Lithic Artifacts from the Trapp’s Gap Site”.
3:40-4PM—Edward V. Curtin (Curtin Archaeological Consulting, Inc. and Van-Epps Hartley Chapter, NYSAA) “A Small Back-Country Site in Coxsackie, Circa AD 1200”.
4PM-4:20—Joseph E. Diamond (Dept. of Anthropology, SUNY New Paltz) and Susan Stewart: “A Middle Woodland Pottery Stamp and Associated Middle Woodland Ceramics from the Indian Hill Site, Wawarsing, NY”.
4:20-4:40—Hetty Jo Brumbach (Dept of Anthropology, SUNY University at Albany) “The History of the Collared Rim”.
4:40-5PM—John P. Hart (Research & Collections Division, NYS Museum in Albany): “The Death of Owasco-Redux”   (Discussant: James Bradley (ArchLink, Inc.).
Sunday, April 25th
8:15-8:20AM (Introductory remarks:  Barry Kass, Program Chair)
Sunday early morning papers-Post-Contact Archaeology
8:20-8:40—Ann Morton, Ph.D. (Cultural Resources Manager, Fisher Associates, P.E., L.S., P.C. and the Lewis Henry Morgan Chapter): “Revisiting the Seneca Sequence: Excavations at the Dann Site 2009”.
8:40-9AM—Tracy Shaffer Miller (Project Director, Hartgen Archaeological Associates, Inc.): “The Archaeology of Trash: Waste Management and Landscape Use in a Historic Urban Context”.
9AM-9:20—Kurt A. Jordan (Cornell University and the Finger Lakes Chapter): “Incorporation and Colonization: Reconsidering Postcolumbian Iroquois Satellite Communities”.
9:20-9:40—Derrick (Dirk) J. Marcucci (Landmark Archaeology, Inc.): “Overview of Archaeological and Historical Investigations at the Newburgh Colored Burial Ground”.
9:40-10AM—Kenneth Nystrom (SUNY New Paltz): “Preliminary Osteological Analysis of the Human Remains Recovered from the Newburgh, NY Colored Burial Ground (ca. 1830-1869)”.
Break 10-10:20AM
Sunday late morning papers-Pre-Contact Archaeology
10:20-10:40—Roger Moeller (Archaeological Services): “Rethinking the Terminal Archaic: Hearths, Fish, and Pottery”.
10:40-11AM—John P. Pretola, Ph.D. (Senior Principal Investigator, The Plant, Providence, Rhode Island), Jacob A. Freedman, Donald A. Miller: “Four Orange County Phase III Sites: New Prehistoric and Contact Period Insights from the Wallkill Valley, New York”.
11AM-11:20—Jonathan C. Lothrop (NYS Museum and the Van Epps-Hartley Chapter): The New York Paleoindian Database Project: A Call for Data”.
11:20-11:40—Sandra Katz, William Engelbrecht, and Kathleen M. S. Allen: “Hearthside Activities as a Reflection of Economic Organization at the Eaton Site”.
11:40-Noon—Denis Foley, Ph.D., RPA  (Curator, Lewis Henry Morgan Institute, SUNY-IT, Utica, NY): “In Search of Paradise: The Voyages of the Irish Monks to the New World, A Reinterpretation”.

Friday, March 5, 2010

NYSAA Annual Conference Reservations Update

Last week's storm took out Honor Haven's phones, so if you have tried to place your reservation for the State Convention that is why you could not get through. 

Times Herald-Record news story on storm: Thousands still powerless after upside-down storm.”

The Honor’s Haven Resort & Spa phone service has been restored. To make room reservations for the 94th Annual Meeting of the New York State Archaeological Association, April 23rd – 25th, 2010, please the call the following numbers: 845-210-3148 or 877-969-4283, option 1. The other two previously listed phone numbers are out of service.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

THE ARCHAEOLOGIST: Vol. 12, March 19, 2010 - excerpts

President’s Message:  

            At this meeting we will discuss Colonial and Revolutionary flintlocks and accessories. Since this region was so involved in the Colonial and Revolutionary historical periods artifacts from these periods are commonly found. Being able to identify these items when only fragments may survive is always helpful in determining historical periods. Some of the items on display are in excellent condition and need special handling. Please bring light gloves if you wish to touch any of these items.

            We will also be finalizing preparations for the state conference in April. I will have signup sheets for volunteers for the following events.

a.    Reception table
b.    Setting up the book room – chairs and tables
c.    Audio-visual portion
d.    Dutchess Quarry
e.    Flintknapping and atlatl demonstration

            I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events.


DUES: Many thanks for those who have sent in their dues. As we change to electronic mailings, you will no longer be reminded by the date next to your name on the envelope.  Please remit by April 1st so that we can report you as a member of the NYS Association.  Active member is $25 and Dual Member is $35. Please see Ray Decker, our treasurer, at our meeting or send a check to IOCCNYSAA, 60 Decker Drive, Middletown, N.Y.  10940.

I received this announcement from Barry Kass. Some of you might be interested in going.

            Hi Dave,
I found the following announcement and thought that it would be of interest to the Chapter:

The Iroquois Indian Museum in Howes Cave, NY announces the 1st Annual Early Technology Day on Saturday April 10 from 10 to 4. Join us for Flint Knapping Demonstrations, Atl-Atl Shoot, and Various Demonstrations of Early Technology.
Flint knapping is the ancient art of making chipped stone tools. Are you a knapper? Please join us! Curious? Want to learn? Come and see or learn hands-on. Are you interested in archaeology? Have you ever found an artifact? Please bring it with you and we’ll try to identify it for you. This museum has one of the largest point-type collections on display, so you can compare your find to ours! This is a public event.

This year we will demonstrate the process of flint knapping, using local and semi-local cherts and lithics. Iroquois “Madison” points are some of what we will make. There will be examples of points, replica tools, and local archaeological displays from our archaeology department. A variety of local stones will be provided, as well as some knapping kits, for those who wish to try replicating points. Knappers are welcome to bring their own stone and tools. We encourage demonstrations and teaching. Primitive fire making, atl-atl spear throwing, early archery and show-and-tell are also welcomed as part of this event.
For more information: Iroquois Indian Museum, P.O. Box 7, 324 Caverns Rd., Howes Cave, NY 12092. (518) 296-8949, or

Schedule of Events:10:00 Introduction of knappers, archaeologists and displays.
10:15 knapping demos – using local materials, making various points
11:00 pressure flaking workshop (all ages)
11:00 percussion lessons – (adults only, limited to # of goggles and instructors).
12:00 noon: lunch break
12:30 knapping demos – making various points.
1:00 pressure flaking workshop (adults only)
1:30 percussion lessons (adults only, limited to # of goggles and instructors).
2:00 Atl-atl spear throwing 

Archaeology: identification, displays, and primitive technology demonstrations all day, at varied times and demos, to be announced: Some of these scheduled events are simultaneous. Archery is welcomed: if you have equipment, you may shoot, after 2:30 pm, and that can be scheduled to happen between turns of spear throwing. Some spears and throwers are provided. The schedule is adjusted to fit the weather as well as attendance.

Barry Kass