Friday, February 4, 2011

Chapter Newsletter: Vol. 2, February 18, 2011 excerpts

60 Decker Drive, Middletown, N.Y. 10940
Vol. 2, February 18, 2011

Chapter meetings are held on the third Friday of each month except July and August at the Methodist Church in Goshen, which is located on the corner of Main Street and Court Lane. All are welcome.

** Meeting Notice: The February meeting will be held on Friday the 18th, at 7:30 P.M. David Johnson will present a program on his research in the sacred Peruvian wetlands of the Andes Mountains known as the Paramo.

President’s Message:  

            I was glad to hear that the January meeting went well and I look forward to seeing everyone at our February meeting. The Astroarchaeological conference that I attended in Lima, Peru in early January was very interesting and I will never look at an archaeological site the same way again. Researchers from all over the world reported on astronomical alignments of sites from the largest to the smallest. I couldn’t help but think about what we are missing in our surveys regarding pre Columbian sites in this area. Ironically several of the presentations commented on the association of viewing sites for astronomical alignments with groundwater sources. This is exactly what my presentation was about and it resulted in a lot of interest in my research. The conference chairman said they were thinking of posting the presentation on a website. If they do I will let you know. Over all it was the best conference I have ever attended.

            As I mentioned before I hope you can attend this meeting. In addition to discussing the “Andean Tradition” and how ancient tradition is still alive within the lifestyle of many Andean cultures I will also present a wonderful way to attract new members based on the Andean tradition. I hope to see you on the 18th.

 Foxwoods Pequot Native American Museum
             The trip to Foxwoods is planned for Saturday, April 30th. So put the date on your calendar and your name on the signup sheet if you intend to go. We will be car pooling so we will need volunteers to drive. Details will follow as we near the date.


 March 18, 2011 - Monthly Meeting - Barry Kass will be speaking on ancient Greek civilizations. He visited several sites with his students and some of our chapter members last spring.

April 15th, 2011 – We will offer flint knapping under the expert leadership of Gary Sipila and Joe Mlcoch. If you have a flint knapping kit get it out and dust it off. Here is your chance improve your skills.


IOOCNYSAA Meeting Minutes – January 21, 2011

            The January meeting of the IOOCNYSAA was called to order at 7:37 PM by Chuck Tudor, vice-president, in the absence of Dave Johnson, president. He welcomed all present and asked the guests to introduce themselves and how they learned about the meeting. Most had read the notice in the paper and were interested in the presentation on Iona Island.

            In the absence of our treasurer, Ray Decker, Clif Patrick stated that there had been no transactions since the last meeting.  Teri Caruso moved to accept the report with Jon Leonard seconding.

            Clif Patrick moved that we accept the secretary’s report as mailed out with Gary Keeton seconding.

            Members were reminded that the Florist site is closed until spring.  We will be working there on Sunday mornings until about 1 PM once the weather is conducive to being outside. Stephanie Tice will again be coordinating the activity.

            The Christmas party held in December was enjoyed by all those attending.

We will be hosting the 2012 annual state meeting here in the Orange County area. We need volunteers to work on the various committees: set-up, tear down, registration, reception table, Dutchess Quarry tour.  We all need to give our time to this to ensure the success of the meeting.  We are still looking for a location.  If anyone has an idea, please let Dave or one of the executive committee know.

We did not hold the symposium this year.  If anyone is interested in helping to organize one let Dave know.

Fred Assmus reported that the state organization is changing the way chapter awards will be presented at the state meeting. Now they will be handed out during the day on Saturday and recipients will need to be present to receive them.

The state meeting will be sponsored by the Van Epps-Hartley Chapter in Johnstown from April 15-17.  The Pennsylvania meeting will be held on April 8-10, 2011.

The state publication The Archaeology of Long Island is available from the state or from Fred Assmus at a cost of $10 for members and $15 for non-members plus $2 for postage.  He also told us about a paper by Joseph Gingerich to be published in American Antiquities regarding a study by Temple University of subsistence remains found on the Shannee-Minisink site near Stroudsburg, PA. 

Please note:  Membership dues are now due - $25 for single and $35 for dual. Student and junior memberships are also available. They can be sent to Clif Patrick, who is assuming the treasurer’s responsibilities until Ray returns from Florida. His address is 119 Brookside Ave., Chester, NY  10918.

The motion to adjourn was made by Clif and seconded by Bill Scott.

The 50/50 winner was Priscilla Johnson.

The program on Iona Island was presented by Donald (Doc) Baynes.

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