Sunday, October 31, 2010

2010-10-31 Florist site.

 Setting up and extending  line "G" on this chilly Halloween morn.
 The screening crew had a hard time keeping up with the three pit crews. Everyone rotated between screen and pits.
Gary demonstrating some of the finer points of digging bar technique for Tom.

Annual Dinner replaces the regular meeting in November!
Place your reservations with Chuck before the deadline! See Tuesday, October 5, 2010 post or last newsletter for details!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

2010-10-24 Florist site.

 Laying in line "G"
 The most interesting feature today was this hole. Most of the time the glacial clay interface presents horizontally, but in this pit, it appeared surprising oblique! Close to the current surface on the left, descending along an even plane at roughly forty-five degrees into the depths to the right. Below is Gary's trowel laying on this surface making the angle visible.
See ya next week!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

23rd Annual Highlands Archaeological And Historical Conference

Chapter member, Bill Sandy, center, shown here loading his presentation, led off the talks with the "Fishkill Depot," probably the largest Revolutionary War site in New York.
In spite the beautiful day, 68 came inside to attend and many enjoyed the book room during the midsession break.

Kevin, Ray and Chuck!
Thanks to Ed Lenik for putting together another excellent program!

And a special note of appreciation to Education Ranger Doc Bayne and the Sterling Forest State Park for their hospitality in again hosting the Highlands Archaeological And Historical Conference!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

2010-10-17 Florist site.

Eight, including our newest member, Lura (with shovel), worked the site today.

 Perhaps the most exciting find of the day was Kevin's discovery of this vertical feature penetrating the glacial clay. The feature being the dark soil in the center of the hole; the lighter, yellowish soil is the glacial clay.

Points are always fun to unearth, such as this broken point tip.

See ya next Sunday!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

2010-10-15 Meeting

Steph reports on progress at the Florist site.

Welcome to our newest member, Lura, who drew the winning ticket for tonight's special prize!

 After a short intermission, Jim WosochloPresident of Chapter 14, The Forks of The Delaware & President elect of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology, Inc. <> presented a slideshow from his recent Mexican trip.
 Jim (left), with the curator of the Museo De Historia Atlahuco (center) and local guide, avocational archaeologist and ranch owner (right) standing around an engraved rock, believed to be of Aztec origin. If validated, this would be one of the most northern Aztec sites.
Jim ponders a question from the audience.

Thanks Jim! An excellent program.

Get your reservations in to Chuck for our Annual Dinner!
(See previous post for details)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Florist Site 2010-10-10

Steph points out subsoil-glacial threshold.

This beautiful fire redden jasper flake unearthed today!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October, 2010 Chapter Newsletter excerpts

President’s Message:  

            Our chapter’s fall schedule continues to be very active with several activities available for members to choose from. Once again Gander Mountain was a success and continues to draw new members thanks to the efforts of Kevin Storms. Chuck Tudor is finalizing the annual dinner in November which will be held on Sunday the 21st. Stephanie Tice is continuing the work at the Florist site and offers members a chance to experience archaeology in the field. I hope you can join us at these events.


Election of Officers

            It is election time for the five officers and two trustees. All of the current officers and trustees are willing to run for another term. If anyone would like to nominate someone for an office please do this before or at the October meeting.

The offices up for election are as follows:
                                                    Current Officers

President                                    David Johnson
V President                                Chuck Tudor
Treasurer                                    Harold "Ray" Decker
Recording Secretary                 Priscilla Johnson
Corresponding Secretary         Sharon Assmus
Trustee                                        Kevin Storms
Trustee                                        Cilf Patrick

Rob and Angela Nardo have offered to be the nominating committee so contact them directly. 


Annual Dinner


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cocktail Hour 5:00 to 6:00 P.M.

Dinner 6:00 P.M.

The Fountains, 40 Sands Road, Middletown, N.Y. 10940

Program by John Hart, PhD


Dinner Buffet
Marinated Sliced Sirloin with Grilled Onions, Wild Mushrooms and Red Wine Sauce
Chicken Marsala
Broiled Salmon Filet with Lemon Dill Cream Sauce
Roasted Potatoes
Penne with Onions and Peas in a Vodka Sauce
Seasonal Vegetables and Starches
Apple Strudel
Plated Cookies and Chocolate Dipped fruits

Dinner $40.00 Per Person including all taxes and tips. Please return the attached form by November 15, 2010. If this is not possible for you, call Chuck directly.


** Please make your reservation by November 15th. If you decide to go after the 15th call Chuck Tudor as soon as possible.





Total Reservations @ $40.00...............................................

Total Amount Enclosed........................

Please mail to: Charles Tudor
                         105 Erie Ave.
                         New Windsor, NY  12553

Please call the restaurant at 845-361-3287 with special dietary needs. 

Directions To The Fountains:

If you are coming to the dinner these are the best directions that I have found. If you live in Montgomery come the back way from 17K but if not: You need to get on Route 17West to exit 119. Those coming from Middletown or Rt. 84 will get to 17west at the Gallaria Exit. Getting off at this exit (119) turn left onto route 302 south (8/10 mi). Turn right onto 17M, proceed 8/10 mi. Turn right on Sands Rd. for 1/2mi. The Fountains is at the Wallkill Country Club on the right.

Dr. John Hart, Research and Collections Divisions, NY State Museum, Albany, has done extensive research on Native American plants and crops. Some of his publications include Crop Domestication in Prehistoric Eastern North America, The History of the Three Sisters, and Maize, Matrilocality, Migration, and Northern Iroquoian Evolution. Most recently he presented at the 2010 NY State Archaeological Meeting on his article "The Death of Owasco" which was published in American Antiquity. This research challenges former State Archaeologist, William A. Richie in defining the Owasco Tradition.


             According to the poll taken during the last meeting there is enough interest in a car pool to Mashantucket Pequot Native American Museum, near the Foxwoods Resort Casino. We will try to come up with a date at the next meeting.


Florist Site

            Stephanie will be conducting the Florist Site during the fall. She will be sending out information regarding dates and time. If you have any questions please contact Stephanie directly or

From Ed Lenik

The date for the 2010 Highlands Conference with the North Jersey Highlands Historical Society has been set for Saturday, Oct. 23rd at the Sterling Forest Visitors’ Center.

Pres. Dave Johnson speaking at Susquehanna River Archaeological Center, Waverly, NY

Nazca Plain Drawings of Peru

"Nazca Plain Drawings of Peru" will be presented by David Johnson of the NYSAA during a Andaste Chapter of PA Archaeology meetingat the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center (SRAC) on Saturday, October 9th, from 2pm – 3pm. The Nazca drawings are a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert of Peru. The high, arid plateau stretches more than 80 kilometres (50 mi) between the towns of Nazca and Palpa on the Pampas de Jumana. Although some local geoglyphs resemble Paracas motifs, scholars believe the Nazca drawings were created by the Nazca culture between 400 and 650 AD. The hundreds of individual figures range in complexity from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks or orcas, llamas, and lizards. Johnson has spent many years researching these drawing and will present his insights in his presentation.

Admission to the presentation and the SRAC exhibit hall is free during this event.SRAC is located at 345 Broad Street, Waverly NY.
Susquehanna River Archaeological Center
7 Weaver Rd
WaverlyNY 14892

Sunday, October 3, 2010

2010-10-03 Florist site.

The heavy rains from tropical storm Nicole left the site's soils moist and clumpy, but Gary and Steph intense concentration was rewared with this beautiful jasper flake.
See ya next week!