Sunday, September 26, 2010

2010 Archaeological Community Outreach Day at Gander Mountain

Welcome to Mary Ellen, our newest member!

Wondering why a modest number of people visited the program today, a Gander Mountain store manager volunteered that store traffic is usually down on such beautiful days as today. 
We were never crowded today, but those who came really seemed to have a nice time.
Joe and Gary spent all day thrilling people with their napping skills and tutoring the willing.


Steph and Frank discuss an item while Larry from Chester checks out one of Kevin's books.

 A few brought in their finds for examination. Ray checks out a gentlemen's the river bank finds,
 including a bunch of clay pipe fragments and this photogenic point.

A great day!

Thanks to all took took part and for the Middletown Gander Mountain store for giving us their program room for the entire day!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Florist site 2010-09-19

Lots of spiders and a few flakes came out of today's test pits along with one grub, preparing to enter the pupal stage in its lined, mud cell.

Gary, Steph & Josh laying in another line.

Remember, no dig next week.
See ya next week for our third annual 
Gander Mountain
Crystal Run Plaza, 100 N. Galleria Drive 
Middletown , NY 10941 
(845) 692-5600 

Friday, September 17, 2010

2010-09-17 Chapter Meeting

Teri Coruso gave a most detailed talk about colonial foods and preparations plus brought tasty examples of period spices, herbs, chocolate, along with colonial style pie and bread that she baked earlier in the day! Bravo Teri!
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Repairs to the grounds of the 1723 Bull house are planned and the Bull Family has invited the chapter to examine, screen and document the excavations. The date has not yet been set for this project to begin. It is pending board approval, which is expected shortly.
 Contact Bill Scott to volunteer. More details to follow.
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Chuck, Frank and Angela won special donated prizes tonight!

Gander Mountain Community Day 2010

Just a reminder I will not be at meeting tonight, Please relay to the group for me,that members can enter the store for set up at 8.30 am on the 26th. If anyone is planning on bringing displays they have not responded to me,I know Gary Keeton is bringing Mastodon display,My Stuff,Your Stuff,I would just like to know what to expect,Tables  can be brought if they will need extra space.thanks Kevin

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Archaeology and the Public in New York

Saturday, Sept. 18th, 2010
9 a.m. to 12 noon

Where: African Burial Ground National Monument
Corner of Duane and Elk Streets, Lower Manhattan (close to Foley Square, just north of City Hall)

FREE Event
RSVP by Sept 15.
(212) 637-0460

Co-Organized by the Wenner-Grensponsored Dynamicsof Inclusion in Public Archaeology Workshop and theAfrican Burial Ground National Monument

NYC Archaeology in the News The ship at the World Trade Center... a potter's field in Washington Square Park... burial vaults at Trump SoHO... the Battery wall in Battery Park. These are just some of the recent archaeological discoveries in the metropolitan area. Learn how and why archaeological research takes place in NYC. Find out who is involved and hear how the public benefits. This talk is presented by Amanda Sutphin, Director of Archaeology, Landmarks Preservation Commission, New York City.

For the Ancestors and the Descendants: New York’s African Burial Ground & Archaeology as Community Service
The African Burial Ground Project was contentious. The federal government, contracted archaeology firms, academic institutions, and the city’s African descendants and their allies operated with different agendas, interests, and concerns. Hear how, ultimately, the voices of the descendants, and by extension, the ancestors, overcame the forces of domination resulting in an ethical as opposed to a financially controlled project. A talk presented by Warren R. Perry, Director for Archaeology of the New York African Burial Ground Project and Professor of Anthropology at Central Connecticut State University.

Seneca Village in Central Park: How Digging Up the Past builds Community Today The free black settlement of Seneca Village
(1825-1857) was located between 82nd and 89th Streets and Seventh and Eighth Avenues in what is now Central Park. For several years city residents
and researchers have worked together to unearth this forgotten community's unique cultural identity --rewriting local and national history in the process. Learn how digging up the past helps to build community relationships in the present in this talk by Cynthia R. Copeland, President of the Institute for the Exploration of Seneca Village History.

Joseph Lloyd Manor: What One Long Island Community Really Wanted to Know About Its Past   The Lloyd family operated a large scale farm and merchant business on the north shore of Long Island beginning in the 1680s. Many people of African descent, both free and enslaved, worked and lived on the Manor. In the woods a few hundred feet away from the restored Manor house, the remains of a small dwelling became the focus of archaeological research. Hear how questions posed by community members, students, and visitors shaped work at the site in important and unexpected ways. This talk is presented by Jenna Wallace Coplin, Director of Research and Outreach at Hofstra University’s Center for Public Archaeology.

Poetic License: Rumblings from the NY African Burial Ground and Beyond  Ancestors speaking to and through descendants became a resounding theme in the struggle to preserve and commemorate the 18thcentury NY ABG. The struggle also raised questions in other parts of the country and the world as to the locations of other sacred burial places. Students, academics, volunteers and the lay public have expressed interest in and support for the ABG for nearly 2 decades.”Poetic License” is a collection of poetry and collage that “bears witness” to this process of making history, of living history. This talk is presented by Sherrill D Wilson, Urban Anthropologist, Founding Director of the Office of Public Education and Interpretation of the African Burial Ground Project and Professor of African American History and Pluralism and Diversity at Rockland Community College, Suffern, NY.

The Practice of Urban Archaeology - A Panel Discussion

The Practice of Urban Archaeology
A Panel Discussion
William A. Griswold, Archaeologist, National Park Service, Northeast Region Archeology Program
Vincent Maresca, Historic Preservation Specialist, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office
Catherine Spohn, Cultural Resource Professional, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Saturday, October 2, 2010 ! 3-5 PM
Columbia University ! Schermerhorn Hall
Photo by Eileen Barroso. Taken from the Columbia Virtual Campus Tour
Broadway at 116th S treet, New York City
(Subway stop = 116th St - Columbia University on the “1" train)
(Campus Map -

Urban archaeologists face many difficulties when excavating a site, but some of the most troublesome can be local regulations that handicap their operations or even prevent them from being able to investigate the site at all. Although the practice of archaeology is generally well prescribed, there is quite a bit of latitude in implementation of plans and methodology used. This symposium will focus on these issues in a number of urban areas. Archaeologists from cities outside of New York State who are responsible for reviewing work in their communities will briefly present how the archaeological process works in their region. They will share their experiences and include aspects of the process they feel are unique to their cities. Following the presentations, speakers will respond to prepared questions leading to a discussion that will provide an opportunity to contrast between cities on topics specific to the urban environment that may range from implementation to research, testing and excavation. Additional questions and comments posed by in the audience, as time permits, will encourage further sharing of strategies.

Sponsored by:

This program follows the general membership meeting of NYAC and PANYC, held from 1-3PM. All attending the program are welcome to arrive early and join the membership meeting where issues of importance to archaeologists in New York will be discussed.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Florist site 2010-09-12

Maggie extending line 'D' out to #17.

Steph opening the first test pit of the day, a dry hole. As we closed it, the heavens opened up, so we scaddadled

Saturday, September 11, 2010

24th Highlands Archaeological and Historical Conference program.

At  1pm, Saturday, October 23, 2010 chapter member,  Bill Sandy, will lead off the seven scheduled afternoon talks with “History, Archaeology, and Historic Preservation at Fishkill Supply Depot” at the 2010 Highlands Archaeological and Historical Conference in the downstairs program room, Lautenburg Visitor Center, Sterling Forest State Park, 115 Old Forge Road, Tuxedo, NY.

If you'd like to join Donald “Doc” Bayne, Environmental Educator, Sterling Forest State Park on the hike to the California Mines (circa 1852) and the Village of Lakeville (1921) put on your good hiking shoes. Doc leaves the Visitor Center at 9:30 am sharp! We'll be back by noon.

The program is available from our  downloads page.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gordon DeAngelo Passing

It is with great sadness that I am sending the message that Gordon DeAngelo passed away on Sunday morning, Sept. 5, 2010.  At this point the only details that have been provided are that he suffered a massive heart attack. 

As per Gordon's wishes, services will be minimal and there will be no funeral to attend.  Calling hours will be Saturday, September 11, 2010  from 10am to 1pm at the Zimmer Funeral Home, on Legion Drive in Chittenango, NY (Legion Drive is next to the Kinney Drug Store).
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Daniel Weiskotten Scholarship Fund, c/o Tyree Tanner, 5877 Perryville Road, Chittenango, NY 13037.

His obituary appears in the Syracuse Post Standard (  Condolescences and memories can be shared by signing the guest book which will appear at the end of the obituary.

Gordon has been a great friend, mentor and colleague to many of us for many years.  His smile and warmth always brightened any day around him and his energy and passion never failed to energize any situation he was part of.  Gordon will be greatly missed by anyone that ever had the privilege to know him.

Douglas Mackey

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Florist site 2010-09-05

Hurricane Earl tracked far enough east to spare us heavy rains Friday, and treating us to an absolutely beautiful day to dig.

Maggie picked the "Find of the Day" straight off the screen - a very nice point base.

Maggie and Steph consulting Richie's NY Projectile Points book to confirm the type.
See ya next Sunday!