The unabridged newsletter has been send to members. If you did not receive yours, please let us know.
Chapter meetings are held 7:30 pm on the third Friday of each month except July, August & November, at the Mulbury House Senior Center located at 62-70 West Main Street, Middletown, NY 10940.
All are welcome to our June meeting: Friday, June 20th at the Mulbury House Senior Center!
President’s Message
This month Tom Brannan with be our speaker. I heard this presentation at a conference last year, and I am sure it will give you something to think about as well as reconsider the function of some of the artifacts we find in the northeast. I hope you can attend. Tom has also arranged the picnic for July and the information is listed below. Once again, I hope you can attend. This is a great way to end the season.
Bring your biggest point for June meeting Show & Tell!
Fall Election - This fall, all of the officers and two trustee positions are up for election. If anyone is interested in running, think about being nominated in September.
Chapter Field Trip to Susquehanna River Archaeological Center field trip, Waverly, NY - June 7, 2014
IOCC Picnic
Saturday, July 19, 2014, 12 - 4 P.M.
Shannen Park - Slate Hill Pavilion Rt. 284, in Slate Hill, N.Y., (just west of route 6.)
• Bring your curios for “show and tell.”
• Menu: IOCC will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, lemonade, punch and strawberries. We will need: round and long rolls, salads-potato, macaroni, beans, lettuce & tomato, yellow cakes, un-iced, for strawberry shortcake.
• Members, family and guests are all welcome.
• Donations of all kinds will help! Dollar bills, food, help setting up, grilling, cleaning up.
• Please call Tom / Marilyn Brannan - (up to 10 P.M.) to schedule foods and participation. You can also call David and Priscilla Johnson, send us an email