Among the oddities brought in was this stone, placed in 1735 by Stamford surveyor, Richard Webb, denoting the original boundary between Minisink and Wallkill townships.
Recovered by Tom Brannan a few years ago, he is negotiating with the town governments for the safekeeping of this artifact, which he has throughly researched. He hopes to rebuild the survey mount in its original form as documented in detail on the 1735 survey, of which he had obtained a copy.
The Theme for April's meeting will be prehistoric ceramics. So, bring in your prehistoric pottery, which will dovetail nice with Stephanie Benson's report on the Chapter's recent field work!
May's theme will be historic ceramics.
Not only was Doc happy to present his program on Sterling Forest Gardens, he also won the 50/50 last night!
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Members: Please, let us know if you did not receive
"THE ARCHAEOLOGIST Vol. 2, February, 2014" sent out in early March.
Reminder: 2014 State meeting
in Oneonta, NY April 11th-13th!
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