Sunday, June 10, 2012

Barry Kass presents: A Trek In the Andes Mountains of Peru to Machu Picchu, City of the Incas 6/15/2012 in Suffern.

Barry Kass will present an illustrated lecture on Peru and Machu Picchu 1:30PM on June 15th, at the Suffern Free Library, 210 Lafayette Ave., Suffern, NY 10901. The lecture will take the audience to the Andes Mountains of Peru, where we will visit will the Urubamba Valley, the 'Sacred' valley of the ancient civilization of the Incas. The ruins of the Inca cities of Cusco, Pisac and Ollantaytambo will be explored, as will the famous 'lost city' of the Incas, Machu Picchu. Photos taken while hiking the Inca Trail through the mountains and jungles of the Andes to the fabled "lost' city will be included. Barry will talk about the rise of the Incas, their development as a mighty civilization in South America, and their destruction by the Spanish conquistadors under Francisco Pizarro.

For more info:

Monday, June 4, 2012

IOCCNYSAA newsletter excerpts from Vol .6, June 15, 2012

Vol. 6, June 15, 2012
Chapter Web Site -
Chapter email -
Chapter meetings are held on the third Friday of each month except July and August.
The June meeting will be held on Friday, the 15th, at 7:30 P.M at
Mulberry House (Middletown) Senior Center.
The address is 62-70 West Main Street in Middletown. The location is handicapped accessible. 

Program – Chapter member Maggie Klejbuk, will present on town walls and what their presence meant for town development: "I'm planning on covering the influence of castles and walls from the Normans, as well internal development such as town streets and where certain social institutions were built and why. Since my dissertation used two case studies, Newcastle and York, I'll be pulling in this information to better illustrate the significance of town walls. The title of my presentation is: Town Walls: Their Influence on Urban and Social Development."

President’s Message
            More than a month has passed since the state conference, and we continue to receive very positive comments regarding the event.
The IOCCNYSAA contingent!
 On Sunday, June 3rd nine members of our chapter visited the Pascack Historical Society and enjoyed a walking tour of Park Ridge, which included the site of the Wampum factory.
Site of Wampum Factory.

Plaque on mill stone.
Thanks to Doc Bayne it was a very interesting and successful field trip. If you are ever near Park Ridge, NJ, you should plan to visit this historical society which has several wonderful exhibits. As mentioned below we are planning to have the annual picnic and hope you can attend.
IOCC Picnic
Knapping at the 2010 Picnic.
Sunday, July 8, 2012, 12 - 4 P.M.
Shannon Park   Rt. 284, in Slate Hill, N.Y., (just west of route 6.)
Bring your curios for “show and tell.”
Menu:  IOCC will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, lemonade, punch and strawberries.   We will need:  round and long rolls, salads-potato, macaroni, beans, lettuce & tomato, yellow cakes, uniced, for strawberry shortcake.
Members, family and guests are all welcome.
Donations of all kinds will help!  Dollar bills, food, help setting up, grilling, cleaning up.
Please call Tom / Marilyn Brannan (up to 10 P.M.) to schedule foods and participation.
This event is Rain or Shine!
Bring a friend, a smile, and an artifact!
Florist Site
            Stephanie is planning on returning to the Florist Site on June 10th. She will be sending out information regarding dates and time. If you have any questions please contact Stephanie directly or email

            This site provides all our members a wonderful opportunity to experience archaeology first hand. We hope all of our members can take advantage of this opportunity to develop their skills as archeologists. If you are new to the chapter here is your opportunity to participate in an archaeological investigation and learn the techniques needed to properly document a site.
Highlands Conference

            Ed Lenik has scheduled the Highlands Conference on Saturday, October 27, 2012. We will co-sponsor it with NTHHS and Friends of Sterling Forest State Park. We hope some of our chapter member can present papers at this conference.

Dues are due for 2012. Please contact our treasurer, Jon Leonard, or send in your payment:
34 Clark Rd
Goshen, NY 10924

Friday, June 1, 2012

Rich Van Sickle Paleo find!

 Richard Van Sickle, who found and reported a Moose-Elk fossil that produced a C-14 date of 11,400 years, has recently found a perfect Cumberland Clovis fluted spear point of the Barnes type. The material is Normanskill Chert that exhibits the distinct green mottling identified with deposits in Greene County, N.Y. This artifact is exactly 1" wide and 2 1/2 "  long, the ideal proportion.  This point is a virtual twin to the D.Q. #1  specimen except for slight waisting on that point which also has lost a tiny portion of its needle-sharp tip. The material is identical in both cases. The specimen found by Richard Van Sickle supercedes the D.Q. #1 point as the finest example of a Paleolithic spearpoint ever found in the Northeast.

L-r: Jon Lothrop, Meredith Younge (both from the NYS Museum) with Rich.

       Jon Lothrop of  the New York State Museum recorded this artifact yesterday and included it in his ongoing State-wide survey of the distribution of Paleolithic artifacts.
        Orange County, which has produced the majority of Pliestocene Mammalian fossils found in New York State, is now moving to the forefront in yielding evidence of the people who hunted these animals. It is through the tenacity and the dedication of people like Mr. Van Sickle that these artifacts are not only found, but they are reported instead of sold or simply closeted away.
         Mr. Van Sickle has the gratitude of the Orange County Chapter, NYSAA as well as the entire Archaeolgical community.Any serious publication addressing the peopling of the Americas written forthwith must necessarily include this artifact.
Photos and story by H. Ray Decker