Monday, August 25, 2008

Meeting & Program Friday, September 19, 2008

“SITE 36 SC 81”

A Paleo site North of Hawk Mountain in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. 

Presented By

Jim Wosochlo,

President of Chapter 14, The Forks of The Delaware & Second Vice President of the  Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology, Inc.  

This presentation is about the surface finds which include Paleo to Late Woodland.  

Paleo refers to the ancient peoples of the Americas who were present at the end of the last Ice Age, about 13,000 years ago.

The Late Woodland Period was a time of cultures, that are commonly referred to as “American Indians,” flourished in the one thousand years before contact with European explorers and settlers.

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The Program is free and open to the public.

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For more information:



The monthly meetings of the Incorporated Orange County Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association meeting Friday evenings at 7:30 pm are held in the community room of the Goshen Methodist Church, 115 Main St, Goshen, NY 10924. Use the Court Lane entrance - one flight up.

No meetings in July or August.