Saturday, July 26, 2008

Gander Mountain Community Day

The Chapter invited the public to bring in artifacts for some of our more experienced members to examine, Saturday, July 26th.  They covered the range from paleo to modern!  We would like to thank Gander Mountain for their hospitality in hosting this event in their Middletown store!

Ray examines an incised atlatl counterweight, made of soapstone, found on the shores of the Hudson River in Rockland County.

Kevin discussing some items in his collection with visitors. 52 people signed our register, so we guess that roughly 75 people stopped by between 10 am and 3 pm!  

Gary & Brian enthralled the public with their flint-knapping skills. Shown here surrounded by several eager students.

Gander Mountain graciously opened up their archery range for dart/atlat throwing demonstrations. Those that tried launching the eight foot long projectiles at the static target downrange certainly gained an appreciation for skill involved in hunting a moving target with this technology!

Packing up after a great day!

A hearty job well done to all who participated! 

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Washingtonville site investigation - Day two.

Today, on one of the hottest, muggiest days of 2008, we created a matrix of test holes to survey the relative concentration of artifacts over the balance of the site. 
Eighteen pits yielded a striking distribution of clues.

The highest number and most interesting items were recovered from pits #3 & 4 as seen in the bags at the upper corner of the table. A square was then excavated between those two pits. Along just one edge, numerous fire cracked stones, chert chips, apparently unused hammer stones, and a small number of bases and tips were discovered.  An afternoon thunderstorm then sent us off for the day.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Washingtonville site investigation - Day one.

David explains the documentation and protocols for this dig.
Joe leads the surface survey crew.
Surface crew searches the bank overlooking the nearby creek.
Reference points carefully set.
Experienced members carefully check the screenings.
Chopper/scapper location & depth carefully documented.
Charcoal bits found in one square.
After reaching sterile soil, test pits dug in the center of each square to confirm no further evidence is below that strata.
Day is done, squares were filled in and raked even.
Next scheduled date is Saturday, July 19th.