Saturday, March 20, 2021

March Chapter meeting held virtually!

 Last night's 'get reacquainted' meeting was a good chance to chat with people we haven't since in a long time!

The next meeting will also be virtual on Friday evening, April 16, 2021. Hope to see ya' then!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Chapter's March ‘get reacquainted’ meeting will be held virtually

 Our March member's ‘get reacquainted’ meeting will be held virtually via Google Meet:

When: Friday Mar 19, 2021 7:30pm Eastern Time - New York
Where: Virtual via Google Meet.

Members can email for the link.


Clifton Patrick, Publicity
Incorporated Orange County Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association
119 Brookside Ave.
Chester, County of Orange
New York 10918